
Innovate4Climate | May 23-25 | Bilbao, Spain

Regrow Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Bill Salas will be attending Innovate4Climate this year in Bilbao, Spain.

Regrow Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Bill Salas will be attending Innovate4Climate this year in Bilbao, Spain.

This conference (I4C), hosted by the World Bank Group, is an annual global conference on climate finance, climate investment and climate markets. I4C gathers thought leaders and innovators interested in supporting financial investment for climate innovation and transforming dialogue into action.

Learn more about the event here, and follow along with World Bank Group on social media.

In order for us to have a real impact on our climate, we must build a strong network of collaboration among policy leaders, government representatives, corporations, financial institutions, consumers and the media. These connections help us propel innovation and accelerate change. Regrow can be part of this process. Our Sustainability Insights and MRV suite are built to facilitate agriculture-based climate action on a global scale. With international and cross-industry collaboration, we can expand access to resilient agriculture and reduce emissions across our supply chains.

Going to the event? Connect with Bill and visit the Regrow booth on the trade show floor.

Not attending the event but still interested in meeting Regrow? Request a conversation or read more insights on our blog.

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Get the 101 on Agriculture Resilience and see what it could mean for the future of our industry — and our planet.

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