
The Power of Soil

Regrow CEO Anastasia Volkova, PhD featured on Greenovation podcast

“For a professional, all you can ask for is to have an amazing team, and to work on something worthy, which will impact the lives of other people.” 

Regrow CEO Anastasia Volkova, PhD, was recently featured in the first episode of Greennovation, a podcast that profiles company founders that are working to combat climate change. Anastasia is one of those founders — today she’s the CEO and Co-Founder of Regrow, a company that makes regenerative and resilient agriculture accessible on a global scale.

Commercial food production has contributed significantly to climate change, especially in the decades since WWII. It’s responsible for 11% of the world's carbon emissions; “equivalent to the weight of an orca whale per person, just in emissions,” according to the World Resources Institute. Changing the way we grow our food can not only reduce these emissions, but it can also increase our soil health and allow the soil to sequester some of the emissions already present in the atmosphere. Though agriculture has had a significant impact on our global climate, it also has the potential to correct many of the issues we’ve created.

In the inaugural episode of Greennovation podcast, Anastasia discusses her path from aeronautical engineering to regenerative agriculture. She shares her experience building Regrow, and her visions for the future of the company and the agriculture industry. And, of course, she shares the experiences that have impacted her along the way. 

“I believe this job needs to be done. I believe in it so much that I get up in the morning to do it — whatever it takes.” 

Listen to Greennovation on Spotify or YouTube

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