Ag Technology

How Software and Satellites Can Help Us Build Resilience

Regrow CEO Anastasia Volkova featured on Entrepreneurs for Impact Podcast

For thousands of years, our food has been firmly rooted in the ground. From crop production to raising livestock, fields have been the foundation of our food systems since agriculture began. 

Regrow CEO and Co-Founder Anastasia Volkova, PhD, agrees that the earth should be at the forefront of consideration when it comes to food production. However, she’s bringing in a few unexpected technologies to help build more resilience: satellite imaging and software-based modeling.

While these technologies are, by definition, far from the ground, they can bring us important insights about our soil, our crop production and the impact we’re having on the Earth. 

On a recent episode of Entrepreneurs for Impact, a podcast that interviews entrepreneurs in the climate space, Anastasia explains how she used this technology to establish Regrow and how it can help us build resilient food systems. 

Listen to the podcast to learn how Anastasia co-founded Regrow along with Dr. William Salas, and what Anastasia would do differently if she could do it all again.

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